
annotation class Translation(val prefix: String, val negate: Boolean = false)

Defines a custom translation key prefix for the annotated members, or all members of the annotated class.

This is used to define "standard" translations that can be reused regardless of the relative position in a config tree

For example, in a typical config, if you have a repeating element my_mod.config.element1, my_mod.config.element2, my_mod.config.element3, and so on, you would have to write corresponding lang for each sub-element of each element. Tedious. With this annotation, you can define a custom prefix for the field or property (or all fields/properties within the annotated class), and all annotated instances will refer to the common translation.

  • From: "my_mod.config.element1.subElement1": "Element 1", "my_mod.config.element2.subElement1": "Element 1" etc.

  • To: "my_mod.config.prefix.element1": "Element 1" for all element instances

See the Wiki for more details and examples.



String - the translation key prefix. Will be appended with ".elementName". "my.prefix" annotated on a field called myElement will yield a translation key "my.prefix.myElement"


Boolean - if true, will turn off any applicable class-wide @Translation annotation. prefix won't matter in this case at all.


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val negate: Boolean = false
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